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The regional energetic committee of Tomsk oblast is created on the basis of the Federal law from 14. 04. 95 federal statute number 41 "Of state regulations of the tariffs to the electrical and thermal energy in the Russian Federation" and the Decree of Head of the Administration of Tomsk oblast from 21.03 2000. № 96 "Of organization of activity of regional energetic committee of Tomsk oblast" in order to regulate the tariffs on electrical, thermal energy, the prices on natural and liquefied gas for population.
The main tasks of the Committee are:
1. The state regulation of tariffs on the electrical and thermal energy, provided by energy supplied organizations (except for organizations which are in the municipal property where the tariffs are established by the institutions of local government) to the consumers on the territory of Tomsk oblast (except for the consumers which were taken out to the Federal (Russian) wholesale market of electric energy (capacity));
2. The state regulation of prices (tariffs) on the natural gas, sold to the population and housing construction co-operatives and the liquefied gas, sold to the population for everyday necessities (except for the gas for refueling motor transport);
3. The achievement of the balance of economic interests of producers and consumers of fuel-energetic resources, ensuring accessibility for consumers of products (services), realized by the subjects of regulation;
4. The formation with the participation of the territorial bodies of the Federal antimonopolistic agency of competitiveness on the consumer’s market of electrical energy (capacity) of Tomsk oblast in order to increase the effectiveness of its functioning and minimize the tariffs;
5. The prevention of establishment for consumers or categories of reduced tariffs users on the electrical and thermal energy, provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation by the increase of tariffs on the electrical and thermal energy for other consumers;
6. The guaranteeing to the organizations irrespective of the organization-legal form the equal access to the federal (Russian) wholesale market of the electrical energy (capacity);
7. The creation of economic stimulus, which provide the use of the energy-saving technologies;
8. The assistance to the creation of favorable economic conditions in order to attract new investments into the thermal-energetic complex of Tomsk oblast.
Address: 634012, Tomsk, Kirova Avenue, 58 стр. 26, Regional energetic Committee of Tomsk oblast
Telephone: (382-2) 560-363
Fax: (382-2) 560-369
E-mail: rek@tomsk.gov.ru, dtrgz@tomsk.gov.ru
- О Департаменте
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- Cтандарты раскрытия информации
- Раскрытие информации субъектами рынков электрической энергии
- Плата за технологическое присоединение
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- Регулирование автоперевозок пассажиров и багажа
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Адрес: 634041, г. Томск,
пр. Кирова, д. 41,
4 этаж, каб. 412 (приёмная)
Телефон: (382 2) 560-373
Факс: (382 2) 560-373
Режим работы: пн.-пт. с 9:00 до 18:00
(перерыв на обед с 12:30 до 13:30 )
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